Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Bit O'The Irish

What a crazy week!  Rudy O'Tooty is officially launched.  A Festive party was held at the Heritage Library in Lakeville on Monday March 5th.  The room was decorated with Shamrocks and lace tablecloths, nice Irish music and lots of goodies to eat.  A lot of people had some fun questions.  One I particularly liked was, "Does the real Rudy really wear a kilt?"  The next time I go to the Irish Fair, I will definitely be wearing a kilt - and maybe even have green hair!  The crowd joined in with our little sing-along of my new song, "Rudy O'Tooty."  It was quite fun!  I believe a good time was had by all.

Daddy did an excellent job reading the story.  The children were delightful.  And a little boy named Liam made a sign saying, "Rudy O'Tooty Books For Sale."  It was adorable.  Here is a slide show.  Take a look.  It's a lot of fun!  Share it with your friends.

Rudy The Kilt Wearing Tooty

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