Saturday, November 27, 2010


Wow!  It was a busy Thanksgiving.  We celebrated Thanksgiving twice.  Once at lunch and again at dinner.  It was very delicious and smelled sooooo good!  I like Thanksgiving.  And so does Mommy and Daddy.  I think it's because the house fills up with tasty scents.  Mommy and I especially love that because our noses work better then our eyes.  Boomer was very excited.  He thinks it was his first Thansgiving.  He doesn't remember last year because he was too little.

Today we had a book signing and met lots of fun people. 

Next week Daddy is going to be very busy at work.  I think he works too hard.  He should stay home and take a nap with Boomer and me!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving. 

Happy Thanks giving to all, and to all a good night.  Wait - that's the next holiday.  Oops!  I'm getting ahead of myself.

Time for bed.

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