Saturday, May 12, 2012

Write - Love - Dance

The past week has been a mixture of activities and weather.  The weekends tend to be rainy and cool, but the weather guessers promise some sunshine for the next few days.

We have a new neighbor dog friend.  Her name is Gertie and she is really shy and cute.  Gertie's 9 months old, so she is still growing.  Right now she is between Boomer! and me in size.

We added a new safety tip of the month to our web site and Daddy made a few minor changes.  We had an email and order from a children's hospital in Chicago.  They said they really like my books as educational resources.

On Thursday, my book "Rudy O'Tooty" was featured on a blog called "Reading Minnesota."

Mommy is very happy about getting a new haircut.  Even though here eyes don't work, it bothers her when the bangs tickle her eyes.  I don't like my bangs tickling my eyes either.  Daddy and Boomer! never have to worry about that, but I don't know why.

We are preparing to visit our little Daisy friends next Tuesday.  They are the girl scouts I talked about last November.  They are using some of their cookie sale proceeds to buy books to donate to children.  We are helping them out.  It is so nice to know children want to help other children.  The little girls have big hearts and are very generous.  We applaud that and support it every way we can.  Mommy's going to help them write a story.  That sounds like fun.

Boomer! and I need to go practice our "Happy Mother's Day" dance now.  Bye for now and "Happy Mommy's Day!"

Rudy the High Stepping, Mother Loving, Book Writing Poodle

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