Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daisys and the NKF

The Daisy Scouts were a lot of fun last week.  The weather was nice, so the troop leader decided to have the meeting outside.  Seven energetic 7 year old girls met Mommy and Daddy at the Rudymobile.

Even though it was really windy, the girls contributed many ideas for the story.  Mommy came very prepared.  She had an outline she put together describing each part of a story.  She also had questions ready that she could ask the troop to "keep the ball rolling."

Daddy was the official note taker and photographer.  Every Daisy contributed something to the story and Mommy tied it together.  I will include it at the end of this blog, in case you are interested in reading the Pourquoi Tale.

We have been selected to be recognized at the NKF volunteer appreciation event on June 5.  We feel very honored.  We hope we are helping by talking to others about the importance of organ donation.

Our outdoor activities may be limited the next few days if the weather guessers are right.  I'll just wait and see!  Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

Rudy the Proud Poodle

A Pourquoi Tale

Long ago a group of 8 smart and funny friends became Daisy troop 55167.  The excitable girls got together every other Tuesday to plan fun activities and learn many things.  Megan, Amanda, Morgan, Maddy, Lauren, Rana, Freya and Ella enjoyed going out into the community to visit their local police station, and the library to learn how to “make” books.  The troop cleaned neighborhood streets to help take care of the earth.

Learning about nature, the world and animals was very interesting.  The girls talked with a blind author who helped them write a story.

For years the Girls Scouts sold cookies.  It was a yearly event all troops did to earn money.  Sometimes the money helped scouts all over the country.  The rest was used for many different things for the troop.

Buying supplies for the following year, going on field trips and donations for charity were all projects the girls planned.  They hoped to go to the Mall of America, Underwater world, skating and swimming.

Selling cookies taught the girls how to set goals, make plans and follow through.  It was a fun learning experience.  One year the girls also decided to buy children’s books to donate to kids in local hospitals so they would have something fun to read.  Each Daisy picked out two books.  It was very exciting!

And that is why Daisy Troop 55167 sold Girl Scout cookies, and my what a sale it was!

The End

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