Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mommy's Home in Time for Happy Anniversary!

Wow, have we been busy!  Boomer and I are well.  My labs came back just fine so I don't have to go back for 2 months.  I will also continue to take my lower dose of medicine!  What can I say about Boomer?  He's always Boomer!

Memorial Day weekend was eventful!  Mommy got very sick.  She had to go to a place to get better.  Some nasty thing made her ill so she got very dehydrated and some of her labs were wacky.  I knew what was going on, I've been through this a few times.  Boomer! was confused.

Mommy came home in time for her and Daddy to celebrate their anniversary!  I was very happy!  I greeted her at the door with many kisses and did a little dance.

Boomer! looked at them with a funny look.  I think he was saying, "Where did you go?  Why did you leave us?"  After giving her a few sniffs, I think he figured out she didn't mean to go, but she had to.  He was fine then.

Mommy and Daddy went out with their friends for an anniversary dinner.  They loved it!  And had a great time.  I wish they brought home some leftovers for me, it sounded really good.  Daddy and Mommy have the best friends.  I would rank them right up there with Hobey Baker, Bronson and Gertie!

In the next week we have 2 graduation parties and the NKF event.  It sounds like fun!

Rudy the "next time you want to say hi to your hospital friends just send a postcard" Poodle

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