Friday, July 15, 2011

Quick Update, a Special Day and the Long Awaited Picture

Weather is very important.  The last 2 days were beautiful.  We spent a lot of time outside - running, playing, visiting with our neighbor Hobie and enjoying the fresh air.  Extreme heat warnings are expected for the weekend, so we will stay inside!

My check-up went well - all levels are stable!  I don't have to go back for a whole month!  Boomer! and I are following our new "diets" very well.

On Saturday, July 16, Mommy and Daddy celebrate the second anniversary of the kidney transplant.  Daddy saved Mommy's life.  He is a super hero - I call him Super Daddy!

I have included the long awaited picture of Daddy wearing his crown while sitting on his throne.

I'm looking forward to getting my haircut on Tuesday.  I really need it!  I'm a shaggy little poodle right now.  We are working on the next book and trying to schedule programs for libraries, schools, groups, etc.  We hope some events will be scheduled soon.  We have a few dates in September, October, and December so far.  We hope to do more in February because it is Minnesota Reads Month and National Donate Life Month is in April.  We'll have to keep spreading the word!  The programs are a lot of fun!  I guess I will sign off as Rudy the Inside Poodle.

Good Night!

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